Thursday, May 1, 2014

investment companies outline

Exchange traded notes
  • unsecured senior debt securities
  • issued by bank or broker/dealer
  • Barclays issuer
  • JP Morgan issuer
  • no credit rating for notes
  • issuer has credit rating
  • promise to pay a certain amount by a certain time
  • issued at set price and amt paid at maturity=purchase price=capital gain or loss
  • capital gain or loss at sale
  • hold ETN till maturity get one time payment based on performance
  • can be sold before maturity in open market
  • investor pays net asset value w/ commission
  • track indexes or stock portfolios 
  • track commodities, currencies, stocks with volatility
  • index perform well, ETF perform poorly
  • profit: value of stocks decrease &  ETN has short position
  • lose: stocks decrease and ETN is long index
  • lose everything: ETN goes bankrupt
  • Securities Act of 1933 issues ETNs
  • Investment company act of 1940 issues ETFS
  • ETFs, redeem any day to issuer
  • ETN, redeem any week to issur
  • diversification-stocks, bonds, commodities
  • investor buys debt from issuer
  • similarity: ETF and ETN a)trade on market on daily basis
  • similarity: ETF and ETN a)buy them on margin, can be sold short
  • benefits ETN: a)invest in more types of markets than small investor usually can afford b)use as hedging

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