ways investors can withdraw from mutual funds
- fixed dollar plan-a fixed dollar amount over a period
- fixed time plan-pays whole amoutn over period
- fixed shares plan-pays out same # of shares each payment
- fixed percentage plan-pays a fixed percentage of invested dollars each payment to investor
- specific withdrawal plan, income plan for retirees/individuals who need income
Investment Company Act of 1940
- unit investment trusts register
- exchange traded funds register
- closed end investment companies register
- open end investment companies register
- aim: protect shareholders
- advisors must follow specific laws/procedures in working with customer's money
- investment companies must have $100,000 of capital and 100 shareholders before selling shares to public
- investment co. must decide it goals, stick to its goals within portfolio
- goals can be changed only by majority vote of shares, voted by shareholders
- Board of Directors-no more than <60% can have ties to investment company
- no less>40% can be independent of the company
- no more than 60% of board can be officers, directors, employees, or owner of 5% or more of outstanding shares of voting stock or be control persons like underwriters and investment advisers
- board of directors must ok 12b-1 plans
- board of directors must review expenses
- board of directors must distribute dividends/capital gains to shareholders
- shareholders don't vote on distributions
investment adviser
- board of directors hires I.A.
- manage fund's portfolio
- contract for 2 years, renewable every year
- board of directors and shareholders must renew contract
- decide to buy, sell, hold cash
- follow federal securities and tax laws
- advantage: professional management of investment company portfolio
- fund's largest expense-manager's receive management fee for services
- not paid with sales charge
- must be registed with SEC
- growth of capital-making/increasing $
- current income-how much $ are we kicking off
custodian bank
- commercial bank
- keeps securities and cash safe
- can be a trust company
- can be an exchange member firm
The investment adviser for an investment company is compensated with which of the following?
- management fee
- fund's biggest expense
- service fee, for maintaining shareholder accounts
- sales charge, underwriters and broker/dealers receive
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