Options and margin
Can NOT buy option on margin if expires < 9
Pay 100% of options premium-on margin, off
LEAPs, options >9mo, deposit 75% of option
LEAPs, loan value=25%
Selling options
Write covered calls
If covered, no margin
Naked, uncovered options-there is initial margin
Margin call, a % of market value
Suppose an investor buys 10 70 calls for a premium of 8. How
much must the investor deposit?
Marking to the market
Securities valued at day’s closing price
Broker/dealers use it to make sure customer’s
have enough equity in margin account
Minimum maintenance level, broker/dealer tells
customer to deposit more $ or stock
Stock loan, broker/dealers borrow stock from
other broker/dealers-have to keep some $ to pay for borrowed stock
Marking to market, all margin accounts, in long
and short accounts, anytime there are borrowed securities
Under which of the following circumstances will the
broker/dealer firm mark to the market for the customer’s account?
When the market changes and more margin is
When market value changes
Customer must deposit more $
Margin account
$2000 minimum requirement
If purchase price under $2000, customer must
deposit all of price
If purchase $2000-$3,999 deposit $2000 minimum
If $4,000, deposit $2000
Government bond
No Reg T requirement
Minimum maintenance requirement 5% of principal
Municipal bonds
Maintenance requirement:15% of par value or 25%
of market value-pick lower one
Same day substitution
Can buy one stock, sell a stock same day and use
sale proceeds to pay for purchase
Sell more than buy, keep all proceeds. If
restricted-follow retention requirement-keep 50% of excess sales price
New issues
Can NOT buy on margin
Loan value
Amount of $ a broker/dealer can loan on a fully
paid for margin-allowed security
To buy stock, deposit equity-money or stock
Buying power
Amount of securities a customer can buy
Buying power=Money or (SMA)/ Reg T
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