Friday, May 2, 2014

investment company outline

rights of accumulation
  • quantity discounts that build up as investor owns more shares in mutual fund
  • discounts increase with accumulated ownership increases
share value based on
  • a)current value: NAV or max market price
  • b)original purchase price
  • c) most often used: current value or original purchase price-which is higher?
letter of intent
  • form letter
  • issued by mutual fund
  • signed by investor
  • investor plans on getting lower sales charges by buying set required amount of shares over 13mo
  • binding on mutual fund
  • not binding on investor
  • can backdate 90 days so include previous purchases-take advantage of reduced sales charge
mutual fund conversion, mutual fund exchange
  • customers can transfer $ from income-oriented fund to growth fund
  • exchanges can be done at NAV
  • advantage: keep customers's $ at same mutual fund company
  • disadvantage: investor may pay tax consequence on capital gains/capital losses
dollar cost averaging
  • invest over time
  • investors buy shares every month
  • by buying new shares every month-can get some shares cheaper
  • average cost per share buying over times decreases vs. buying at one time
Which of the following is true of dollar cost averaging?
  • the average cost is always lower than the market price average
  • average cost per share<average dollare paid per share
  • to investor's benefit
A letter of intent can be backdated up to how long:
  • three months/90 days
  • good for 13 mo
  • can backdate up to three months
Redemption price
  • if investors want to get rid of mutual fund shares they redeem them
  • firm gives customer net asset value-redemption cost in 7 days
  • no secondary market for mutual funds
  • investors buy mutual fund shares from company and sell back to company
redemption fee
  • redeem at NAV-redemption fee
tax on redemptions/distributions
  • <1 year, short term gain/loss
  • >1year, long term gain at 0%,15% or 20% by customer's tax bracket
  • holding period, begins day customer buys securities, ends day customer sells/redeems securities 
  • ordinary dividends, interest, short-term capital gain distributions-portfolio income, taxed at customer's tax bracket
  • long term capital gain distributions-taxed at 0%,15%,20%

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