Monday, April 21, 2014

Investor protection outline

Investor protection outline


·        Document that outlines all requirements municipal issuer must follow

·        Includes: maturity dates, interest rates, name of trustee and trustee bank, protective covenants

·        Does not include: re-offering yield: rate bond is selling in market, reoffering cannot be guaranteed

Protective covenants

·        Agreements made between issuer and purchaser of revenue bond

·        Set forth in indenture

·        Most important: rate covenant, insurance covenant, maintenance covenant, revenues pledge covenants

·        Rate covenant: Makes sure issuer keeps rates high enough to meet operation + maintenance expenses + debt service + other incurred costs

·        Insurance covenant-issuer promises to carry enough insurance on facility to protect against damage/destruction

·        Maintenance covenant: issuer promises to maintain facility, keep in good repair, will preserve revenues

·        Revenues pledge covenant: issuer promises to use revenues toward debt service or maintenance, depending on type of pledge

·        Two revenue pledges: gross revenues pledge and net revenues pledge

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