Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Municipal outline

bearer bond

  • redeem when it matures 
  • redeem when it is called
  • holder may have to worry about missed interest payments
  • if holders fail to collect principal or fail to see redemption notice they do not lose anything except an interest payment on the bond

    registered bonds
    • holder can redeem by sending bond certificate to issuer
    • issuer sends holder a check for principal + accrued interest
    • holder may have to worry about missed interest payments
    • if holders fail to collect principal or fail to see redemption notice they do not lose anything except an interest payment on the bond
    book entry bonds
    • trustees send principal amount and last interest payment to name on books
    • book-entry: no worry about missed interest payments
    notice of redemption
    • issuers must give notice 30 days before they call bonds and publish intent in national financial publication like Wall Street Journal 
    how bonds are called

    term bonds
    • called on a random selection basis
    serial bonds
    • called in inverse chronological order of maturity
    • random basis, if only a portion of a year's issue is called
    Bond Buyer
    • if a bond called, it will be listed in Bond Buyer
    • broker/dealers have obligation to tell clients about call
    A municipality has issued a serial bond. The city has just had an influx of money and would like to call the bonds. By what method would the city call the bonds?
    • inverse chronological order
    • serial bonds-taken oldest first-highest interest rates
    • term bonds-random method
    Overlapping debt
    • general obligation bond-shared debt by two taxing areas, benefits both areas
    Net direct debt
    • net direct debt=(old debt + newly proposed debt)/(city population)
    • net debt=(old debt+overlapping debt+newly proposed debt)/(city population)
    coterminus debt service
    • when 2 or more municipal areas have same boundaries
    • all debt is overlapping
    Analyzing revenue bonds 
    1. in bond indenture, look at flow of funds-how $ spent, is issuer good for it, revenues pledge-how interest will be paid 
    2. covenants-rate, insurance-insurance for project, maintenance
    3. feasibility studies, competitive analysis, engineering studies, capital improvements, can issuer raise rates freely without muni or government interference, study- is customer base diversified?, comparison of rates in similar projects locally, tax base and population-growing?,shrinking?
    Which of the following is the method of finding the net debt of a municipality?
    • (Municipal debt + overlapping debt)/ (city population)
    • net debt includes overlapping debt
    debt service
    • $ of principal and interest/year
    • term bond-same until maturity date-same interest cost + principal
    • serial bond-principal + interest, can change 
    • level debt service-principal + interest, same through life of bond
    debt service coverage
    • (gross revenues pledge)=(total revenues)/(debt service)
    • net revenues pledge=(total revenues-maintenance/debt service)
    Municipal bond insurance
    • in case muni defaults on interest and principal payments
    • MBIA-Municipal Bond Insurance Association
    • AMBAC-American Municipal Bond Assurance Corporation
    • FGIC-Federal Guarantee Insurance Corporation
    A municipality has insurance on its outstanding $40 million general obligation. By purchasing insurance, the issuer: 
    • Providing a means to have principal and interest paid in event of default by municipality.

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