Monday, April 28, 2014

underwriting outline

  1. notice of sale-placed
  2. underwriters use New Issue Worksheet
  3. underwriter submits New Issue Worksheet with Good Faith Deposit, returned to losing bidders
  4. firm commitment underwriting, underwriter buys issue from issuer and sells to investors
  • financial advisers with business relationships with municipalities cannot bid on competitive issues without issuer's permission
  • potential conflict of interest, Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (MSRB) stop advisers from working as underwriters without permission
  • conflict of interest, adviser working for municipality wants lowest rate for bonds, underwriters want higher rate for bonds to make bonds attractive to investors
 Scale in a municipal bond
  • yield scale, new bonds are priced NOT in dollar amount
  • yield scale, yield to maturity for serial bonds as they mature
  • serial bonds have some principal maturity/year
  • offering scale variables a)interest rate of each maturity date b)price bond is offered
  • normal yield: low interest in beginning, higher interest later, most common
  • inverted yield, high interest in beginning, lower interest later, least common
  • flat yield, same yield in beginning as later, rare
Revenue bonds
  • munis issue to fund a project/facility
  • revenues will repay bond issue 
  • revenues will pay for maintenance 
Which of the following describes a normal yield scale?
  • early maturing bonds have lower yields
  • yields increase later
  • high yields at beginning
  • lower yields later
Negotiated underwriting
  • issuer does not need competitive bid
  • may get lower price from negotiation than bid
  • municipality has a relationship with an investment banker-worked with in past
  • underwriter negotiates best price with issuer-thinks about what the expected market price for bond will be
  • usually firm basis
  • best efforts basis, can be
  • best efforts, usually all or none underwriting

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