Monday, April 28, 2014

underwriting outline

legal opinion
  • needed before a bond can be issued
bond counsel
  • makes sure bond interest is exempt from taxes
  • makes sure other legal matters won't affect value of bond
  • makes sure bond is a municipal bond according to area laws
  • may get favorable legislation passed 
  • attests to tax exempt status of bond
  • IRS determines tax exempt status of bond according to passed laws 
qualified legal opinion
  • some aspect may make bond interest taxable
  • some legal matter may affect bond value
nonqualified legal opinion
  • no aspect would make bond taxable
  • no aspect would prevent bond from keeping tax-exempt status
 official statement
  • municipal bond equivalent to corporate bond prospectus
  • underwriter prepares this before bond is sold to public
  • given to purchasers and dealers when they request it 
  • preliminary official statement, before official statement is given, no pricing info
official statement
  1. purpose/use of bonds
  2. how funds will be used?
  3. call provisions
  4. other info investors want
Which of the following statements is a description of a qualified legal opinion?
  •  The legal opinion on the bond's tax exempt status is less than 100% certain
  • qualified, some uncertainty on tax-exempt status
  • OR some uncertainty on legal matter affecting bond
  • nonqualified-no uncertainties about bond's tax exempt status

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