Monday, April 21, 2014

municipal securities outline

Moody's S&P
Highest Aaa AAA
High Aa AAA
Upper Medium  A1,A A
Lower Medium Baa BBB
Marginally Speculative Ba BB
Very Speculative B,Caa B
Default  Ca,C D
Feasibility studies and engineering reports

·        Needed for revenue bonds

Legal opinion

·        Bond counsel: lawyer knowledgeable in municipal bond laws

·        Exempt from federal and state taxes

·        Research local and state taxes to check-is bond tax exempt

·        May help in getting favorable legislation passed

·        Supply info to underwriters for official statement

Bond rating organizations

·        Consumers have credit scores-show how credit worthy

·        Bond ratings-show chance of default of interest and principal

·        Big three: Standard and Poor (S&P), Moody’s, Fitch Investors Service

·        Rate general obligation bonds and revenue bonds backed by property taxes

·        Refunded, pre-refunded or advance refunded, ratings go up to AAA and Aaa

·        Moody’s and S&P only rate large offerings

·        Small offerings aren’t rated, high cost to get rating

·        Most revenue bonds aren’t rated

·        Revenue bonds backed by property taxes are rated

Bond rating criteria at time of rating

·        Amount of bonds issuer has outstanding

·        Amount of overlapping debt, if any?

·        Amount of debt/taxpayer (per capita debt)

·        Amount of population-growth and character

·        how will $ income be made to make payment

·        amount of property and assessed value

·        how well municipality has collected taxes in past

Bank qualified bonds

·        municipal bond purchased by a bank

·        bank can deduct 80% of the carrying costs paid to

·        carrying costs, interest expense to buy municipal bonds, special benefit

·        banks can deduct carrying costs-allowed-only bank qualified bonds

Which of the following is an S&P rating?

·        AA. S&P ratings are in capital letters. Moody’s ratings are in lower case letters

Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board

·        Regulated underwriters, broker/dealers (B/Ds), and sellers of municipal bonds

·        Exempt: osiers

·        Voters get to decide-new municipal issues

·        Two markets: one for new issues, next is  secondary market

 Primary market

·        Notice of sale, municipal ad to underwriters, want bids on cost of underwriting a new issue

·        Notice of sale, competitive underwriting only

·        Tombstone advertisement-underwriters ad to buyers

Tombstone ad

·        Offering price

·        Name of issuer

·        Dated date-date interest starts to accrue

·        Dates on which interest payments are made

·        Offering scale, shows yield to maturity

·        How to get an official statement

·        Name of underwriter

·        Names of selling syndicate and (sometimes selling group) members

·        Cannot: offer an incentive for new issue, info only, names appear by % participation

Competitive underwriting

·        Issuer ad to underwriters to submit bid on cost of underwriting a new issue

·        Issuer chooses underwriter who allows issuer to get highest proceeds with lowest interest cost

·        Broker/dealer firm who want to compete submit bids after seeing notice of sale ad

Negotiated underwriting

·        Issuer asks broker/dealer (B/D) to give a cost estimate of underwriting a new issue

·        If estimate too high, issuer argues for lower cost

·        If lower cost isn’t given, issuer contacts another underwriter

Official statement

·        All muni bonds come with an O.S.

·        Tells important parts of bond-issuer, protections for buyer, call features

Which of the following is not a method or component of a municipal underwriting?

·        Standby-corporate underwriting.

·        Competitive, negotiated-municipal underwriting

·        Bid-part of competitive underwriting

Secondary market

·        Market for investors to trade with other investors

·        Secondary issue, any issue sold for 2nd time or more

·        Primary issue, issuer sells to buyer, 1st time

·        Bond traders: broker/dealers (B/Ds) who buy bonds from investors-want to sell and resell to investors wanting to buy

·        Secondary market trading: interdealer trading, retail business between individuals, institutional investor business

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