Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Municipal bond outline

Basis points

  • how municipal bonds are quoted
  • each=1/100 of 1% of .0001
  • 7.85 basis=7.85% yield to maturity
Bonds at par, premium, discount
  • face value, selling at 100, basis=nominal yield
  • above face value, sell at premium, above 100, basis<nominal yield. Quoted at yield to call
  • below face value, sold at discount, below 100, basis>nominal yield. Quoted at yield to maturity 
firm quote
  • dealer is ready to sell at set price
  • dealer can place time restriction on quote
  • dealers can recall bid during hour
  • when dealers call traders, traders must be ready to buy or sell immediately
  • forcing bid to get investors to make up minds
subject quote
  • info only 
  • for general obligation or revenue bond
  • gives investor idea of price range of bond
Your firm's trading department is called by another broker/dealer that is interested in purchasing bonds from your firm. The trading department gives a quote of 7.80%, good for an hour with a 5 minute recall. Which of the following is true is true about this quote?
  • the other firm has control of the bonds for one hour
  • during the hour your firm can call the other firm back with a five minute "fill or kill". 
  • During the hour, your firm can show the bonds 
  • Your firm can't sell bonds until you give other firm 5 minute call

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