Tuesday, April 29, 2014

underwriting outline

underwriting spread,
  • $ paid for underwriting
  • negotiated underwriting
  • built into price, competitive underwriting
spread for corporate issue,
  • difference between public offering price and issuer proceeds
spread for a municipality
  • difference between reoffering yields and syndicate bid to issuer 
spread factors
  • size of issue
  • size of corporation
  • size of industry
  • size of minicipality
  • reduced by underwriter's advertising and registering/blueskying costs
  • divided among syndicate members and broker/dealer that assists in selling issue
sales charge
  • lead underwriter gets part
  • known as manager's fee
  • part of total spread
  • manager gets fee on every share of bond sold-did preparation work
  • concession, syndicate member decides selling group will sell bonds for them, syndicate member gives part of spread to selling group member
  • syndicate members get rest of spread
corporate spread
  • manager's fee, compensation for work on underwriting. 
  • receive manager's fee even if they don't sell shares
  • underwriting fee. sales charfe beyond manager's fee
  • underwriting fee, biggest part of sales charge
  • get underwriting fee not used in concession, if syndicate members allow selling group broker/dealers to sell shares
  • no name, remainder of underwriting fee not used in concession
  • syndicate member a)get underwriting fee b)give concession to selling group member
 In a corporate issue, a syndicate member receives which of the following upon sale as part of the underwriting?
  • underwriting fee
  • underwriting fee for syndicate sales
  • managing fee, manager gets
  • concession, for selling group sales
Municipal spread
  • manager's fee, for syndicate manager, gets even if he doesn't sell the bonds
  • total takedown, for syndicate members and syndicate manager
  • selling group, gets concession for sales
  • total takedown, concession and additional takedown 
  • manager buys municipal issue at a discount
  • total takedown, manager awards bonds to syndicate members excluding discount 
  • total takedown= concession + additional takedown
In a municipal issue, a syndicate member receives which of the following upon sale of part of underwriting?
  • takedown
  • syndicate gets takedown
  • selling group member receives additional takedown
  • spread, total

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