Saturday, April 26, 2014

underwriting outline

Revenue Bond  Index

  • a.k.a. the REV 30 index 
  • average interest rate on 25 revenue bonds with 30 years to maturity
  • help determine interest rates for new issue
  • revenue bonds-not rated
  • cannot determine-will revenue bond project make all interest and principal payments?
General Obligation 20 year bond index
  • helps underwriters to decide how to price new issue based on similar issues in index
  • index of interest rates on 20 general obligation bonds
  • helps to decide interest rates for a new issue
  • same as an A+ (A1) rating
40 Municipal GO bond index
  • same as BBB ratings
11 GO bond index
  • same as AA ratings
  • published in Bond Buyer on Friday
  • determined Thursday every week
  • ratings: ability of issuer to make principal and interest payments reliably 
30 day visible supply
  • weekly list
  • underwriters will offer these municipal bonds during next 30 days
  • published in Bond Buyer on Mondays
net interest cost
  • amount issuer actually pays over the life of the bond
  • face value x interest paid over life of bond
  • bid at premium, N.I.C.=(total interest cost-premium)
  • bid at discount, NIC=(discount + total interest cost)
true interest cost
  • interest cost including time value of $
interest rate is influenced by
  • information on tax-exempt status of bonds
  • issuer's financial condition
  • to get this info, underwriter meets with issuer's bond counsel 
bond counsel
  • assess tax exempt status of bonds
  • check existing laws about bond issuance
placement ratio
  • in Bond Buyer weekly on Mondays
  • number of bonds sold in a week/number of bonds offered that week
  • estimate of new municipal bond issue sales
  • are people buying bonds?
  • are higher rates needed to sell the bonds? 

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