Friday, April 25, 2014

underwriting outline

underwriting syndicate

  • different investment banks compete to be underwriter
  • competitive or negotiated method
  • syndicate, underwriting group
  • selling syndicate, underwriting group
  • lead underwriter, manages underwriter
  • syndicate manager, lead underwriter-manages books, deals with issuer and syndicate

tombstone ad,
  • advertise securities
  • can only provide basic information
  • list of underwriting firms names
  • lists lead underwriter next to other broker/dealer firms
selling syndicate
  • one or more broker/dealers who will commit large sums to bringing issue to market
  • help with pricing of issue
  • decide how to price issue
  • syndicate buys shares/bonds from issuer
  • lead underwriter, responsible for selling big part of issue
  • other syndicate members responsible for selling small part of issue
syndicate letter a.k.a agreement among underwriters a.k.a. account letter a.k.a syndicate agreement
  • terms of account management
  • amount of issue per member
  • amount of money paid per member
  • basis-how issue will be sold if oversold?
  • syndicate member obligations
  • participation-east or western account?
  • corporate-sold night before or morning of sale, last opportunity for syndicate members to give up their commitment
  • municipal-signed 2 weeks before bond issue
  • after issue sold, members receive sales charges
  • syndicate settlement letter, issue has been sold, how much syndicate members receive for selling their parts of the issue
Selling group
  • no financial commitment to sell # of shares
  • can sell parts of issue
  • gets the most small profit of all vs manager, underwriter
Which of the following is part of an underwriting syndicate that has a financial responsibility to the underwriting but has no other commitments other than pricing and selling?
  • syndicate member
  • financial commit and sells
  • manager, underwriter-other work
  • selling group sells, no financial commitment 

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