Saturday, April 26, 2014

Underwriting Outline

General Obligation Bond

  • municipality issue
  • backing is municipality's taxing power
  • competitive bid process to select underwriter
  • Bond Buyer, advertisement to underwriters
  • notice of sale, municipality asks underwriters to bid to work on issue
  • small issue-municipality will use a local paper and local bank can underwrite issue
Notice of sale
  • maturity dates of bonds
  • range of acceptable interest rates
  • call features
  • call calculation-net interest cost method or true interest cost method?
  • issuer outlines good faith deposit 
Competitive bid process
  • potential issuers submit bids 
  • how much $ issuer will get paid for bonds
  • interest cost/year
  • total interest cost issuer pays-either net interest cost or true interest cost
  • new issue worksheet, bid sheet in Bond Buyer, outlines bid steps
  • bids must be delivered on a certain date-often arrive right before deadline
  • issuer opens bids, chooses based on lowest interest cost and highest amount $ to issuer
  • issuer may expect underwriter to sell a minimum amount of bonds
The City of San Francisco has issued an advertisement stating that it is accepting bids for a $40 million general obligation bond with maturities from 2001 through 2020. The advertisement is called
  • a notice of sale
  • advertisement- issuer wants to to find an underwriter
  • tombstone, ad by underwriting syndicate, announcement 
Determining the bid
  • issuer give 2%-3% range underwriters have to keep interest
  • underwriters bid on scale, interest rate + price helps decide investor yield 
  • Bond Buyer has  interest rates of long term bonds 

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