Friday, April 25, 2014

underwriting outline

  • underwriting a.k.a. investment banking 
  • help firms, corporations, municipalities raise $ 
  • corporations use $ for growth and investment
  • municipality use $ to build facilities, improve services
short term underwriting
  • under 270 days
  • bring to market
  • bring to money market 
long term debt
  • requires underwriting
  • syndicate. help sell issue to investors
firm commitment underwriting
  • underwriter promises to sell whole issue
standby underwriting
  • underwriter is hired to sell leftover shares after rights offering
  • rights offering, corporation that issues new shares offers those new shares to existing shareholders
when issued
  • transacted on a conditional basis
  • sold but certificates have not been issued
  • issued stock can trade in secondary market
  • underwriter sets settlement date 
  • marked to market, price is recalculated every day the market price of the bonds change
best efforts underwriting
  • issuer contacts one or more underwriters to sell an issue
  • broker/dealers do NOT have to buy any shares they don't sell
  • underwriter agrees to do best to sell issue
  • for a corporation with poor credit rating to issue more securities
  • when a brand new issue is not selling well
  • mutual funds sold this way-brokers/dealers don't buy mutual fund shares for there own account, sell what they can
  • many broker/dealers are involved
all or none
  • syndicate must sell all issue or entire amount of securities not sold
  • when issuer needs all $
  • issue not sold, syndicate refunds $ to investors, charges issuer a fee
  • issuer sets minimum amount of securities that MUST be sold
  • issuer sets maximum amount of securities that MUST be sold
  • when an issuer needs a minimum $ but would like more
  • if minimum unsold, investors refunded
  • common in limited partnerships raising $
managing underwriter a.k.a. lead underwriter
  • researches issuer to understand financial health
  • researches liquidation value, liquidity of issuer
  • researches ability of securities to perform for investors
  • managers receive fee for these responsibilities 
market out clause
  • agreement between issuer and underwriter-allows underwriter to withhold issue from market if it isn't likely to be sold
  • conditions where underwriter is not responsible for bringing issue to market such as bankruptcy, complete stock market crash-issuer doesn't have to pay underwriter
  • if issuer doesn't provide full picture of financials, underwriter may be able to receive compensation-recover underwriting costs
corporate underwriting
  • issue stocks and bonds for companies who want to raise $ to use in business
municipal underwriting
  • issue bonds for municipalities as general obligation bonds and revenue bonds
  • general obligation bonds-backed by taxing power of municipality
  • revenue bonds-backed by revenues of the facility
All of the following are types of municipal underwriting commitments except:
  • standby
  • corporate only

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