Monday, April 28, 2014

underwriting outline

Presale orders
  • underwriter takes before bid is made or negotiated offer is settled
  • institutional investors buy without price or yield
  • underwriters pre-sell a large amount @low interest cost for issuer
  • underwriters tell large investors to buy before they submit a bid
  • investors have faith in underwriters, buy without knowing interest rate or price
group net orders
  • syndicate members sell to institutional buyers
  • all members of syndicate get credit for part of sale
  • buyers can avoid favoritism of syndicate members
  • helps buyer to receive bonds if whole issue sold out
designated orders
  • syndicate member enters
  • one+ syndicate members get credit for sale
  • large blocks get priority
  • mutual funds/institutions place large orders
  • politics and percentage of syndicate allocation favored
  • syndicate places order for institution and their syndicate gets credit for sale
 Member orders at takedown
  • syndicate member submits order after order closing period
  • orders are first come first serve
  • designated orders for member sponsors
  • ONLY leftover bonds after presale orders, group net orders, designated orders can be bought by syndicate member's own mutual funds
  • manager decides amount each syndicate member can sell-depends on which syndicates participated in last underwriting, performance of last underwriting, how lead manager values syndicates, can be based on professional relationships
Notice of sale
  • issuer advertises to underwriter
Syndicate agreement
  • underwriter syndicate manager writes letter to syndicate members
 Tombstone advertisement
  • underwriter advertises to public
 Syndicate settlement letter
  • syndicate manager tells each member amount of securities they will be paid for selling
 Which of the following is the priority of orders when an issue has been sold?
  • Presale,group net, designated, member orders at takedown
  • preppy guys drive mercedes
  • pompous guys drive mercedes
  • pretty girls drive mercedes

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