Monday, April 21, 2014

municipal securities outline

Industrial development bonds
  • municipalities issue IDB'S
  • To finance construction of a)pollution control facilities, b)industrial parks, c)sports stadiums.
    • D) airports, e) educational facilities
    • Municipal bond, tax-exempt
    • Sell proceeds to corporation-pays interest and principal
    • Mainly for stadiums, convention centers, etc.
    • Take on bond rating of corporation not bond rating of municipality
    Public Housing Authority Bonds (PHA)
    ·       U.S. government issues bonds
    ·       To finance state and local low-income housing
    ·       Proceeds pay off project notes/construction loan notes issued to construct and renovate low-income housing projects
    ·       Proceeds pay off loans made directly to developers of low-income housing
    ·       Proceeds lend $ to institutions for loans to homebuyers
    ·       PHA bonds-paid by rent and mortgage payments made by residents
    ·       Projects, paid for by bond proceeds
    ·       If residents rent payments don’t pay back principal and interest, federal government will pay back principal and interest
    ·       PHA, issued by state and local housing agencies
    ·       PHA, backed by federal government
    ·       PHA bonds encourage building low income homes
    Double barreled bonds
    ·       Generate funds to pay for a specific facility
    ·       Revenue bond & general obligation bond
    ·       Interest and principal-paid by users of facility
    ·       If users can’t pay interest and principal-property taxes pay back interest and principal, taxing power of municipality
    ·       Football and baseball stadiums in large cities
    Mortgage obligation bonds
    ·       Facility revenues pay interest and principal payments
    ·       If facility revenues can’t pay back interest and principal, state legislature/local council can make a yearly appropriation to have debt service covered
    Which of the following bonds is issued by a municipality but will have interest and principal payments paid by the revenues from a corporation?
    ·       Industrial development bond.
    ·       Issued by municipality to benefit muni
    ·       Corporation income makes income and principal payments
    ·       Assumes corporation’s credit rating
    Build America Bonds BABs
    ·       Municipalities issue
    ·       U.S. government subsidizes interest
    ·       Available on secondary market
    ·       Original/first version, U.S. government subsidizes 35% of interest of bond issue
    ·       Municipality-costs decrease, increase interest rates for investor
    ·       Beneficial for buyers who don’t pay income tax or pay a small amount of income tax
    ·       For older people-income
    ·       Institutional investors-not looking for tax free income-achieve high yield and long time to maturity
    ·       Second version: buyers get tax credit=35% of interest on bond yearly
    ·       If buyer doesn’t pay enough taxes for tax credit to be useful, tax credit can be carried over indefinitely without a time limit
    ·       Risks: changing interest rates
    ·       Risks: can government afford to fund issues?
    ·       Risks: will the municipality go bankrupt?
    ·       Risk: liquidity (greatest)
    ·       Risk: small secondary market
    ·       Risk: long period to maturity-30 years
    ·       Interest, pay federal income tax
    ·       Use: highways, upgrade buildings, highways
    ·       Not allowed: use $ for wages, ongoing expenses
    Series Bonds
    ·       Issued at different times/dates within 1 year or different dates over a period of years
    ·       One maturity OR
    ·       Each series bond can have its own serial maturity period
    ·       Can be issued as serial or term bonds
    Serial bonds
    ·       Mature over a # of years
    ·       Parts of bonds mature in different years
    ·       Can be a series bond or only bond
    ·       Price in basis
    ·       Basis book/software program-convert yield to $ or $ to yield
    ·       Some principal matures each year, interest cost decreases each year
    ·       From taxes or revenues from a facility
    Term bond
    ·       Corporations issue, municipalities issue
    ·       Mature at one time
    ·       Can refund/refinance or make sure enough money is available ahead of time to pay it off
    ·       Municipalities issue term bonds when they think they will have too few funds in early years but think they will have the funds by maturity
    ·       If muni has enough funds in early years, advantage-serial bond would decrease interest cost
    ·       Refund debt aka fund debt again
    ·       Refund debt, when: interest cost can decrease
    Which of the following has decreasing interest costs each year?
    ·       Serial bonds
    ·       Part of issue matures each year
    ·       Interest costs decreases to issuer each year
    Series bond
    ·       Different issuing dates
    Term bonds
    ·       Mature at one time
    ·       Interest cost-same each year
    Zero-coupon bond
    ·       Pay no interest
    ·       Mature at face value
    Put bonds
    ·       Investors can redeem before maturity if interest rates rise
    ·       Investors reinvest $ in higher interest bonds
    ·       Issuers add put feature-advantage: give lower interest rates
    ·       During put period, the market price is never <put price. Yield never>coupon
    A municipality has issued a 6% 20 year term bond that has a put feature. Which of the following is true of the put bond during the put period?
    ·       The yield will never be higher than 6%
    ·       Holder can redeem issue without issuer calling
    ·       Bond never sells for less than par
    ·       If bond sold at discount during put period, holder can put bond back to issuer, force issuer to buy bond back at par
    ·       Bond won’t sell less than par, yield never>than coupon

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